General Instructions
5 years ago

General Instructions for using MOOC

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5 years ago

kindly inform me when training will be started

5 years ago

Kindly tell me how can i attempt test

5 years ago

Kindly tell me how I can attempt test and study for test

5 years ago

finally complete.. but want to know when i sign up .. didn't ask my address and phone no # so how they send me

5 years ago

I ** Still Waiting for Certificate ??

5 years ago

or this certificate can get only members ? not outsiders are allow? or here is any fees

5 years ago

site is stuck and ** on second last course anybody can help .

5 years ago

Certificate received and all contract rules learn in good manner

5 years ago

Contracts for procurement of works services goods

5 years ago

Contracts for procurement of works services goods